Hey everyone, welcome to a new format of Abhijeet’s Letter.
Every Monday I’ll ship this email letter to your inbox that’ll contain both my own writing and tidbits of info and quotes I come across while reading books or browsing the web.
Hope you like it.
On fully committing to a result
It has occurred to me that we are all suckers for Plan B. We want options. We want an escape route because we fear that what we’re working on might not work out. This mindset applies to our goals, habits and relationships.
But what if we fully committed to Plan A? What if we went after our goals and nurtured our relationships like our life depended on it?
Too risky? Maybe. But more often than not we overestimate the risk and underestimate the rewards of going all in.
Here’s what I can say from experience: Take your time in choosing a direction. That’s important. But once you’re certain that the mountain you want to climb is conquerable, go for it with gusto and fervour. Make the climb like your life depends on it. That’s how one reaches the summit.
(Btw, why does commitment has a single t and committing has two of those? English is weird. Thanks to the tech gods for spell check.)
Kipling on the struggle of becoming
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you’ll be lonely often, sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
Rudyard Kipling
My longtime subscribers would know that ‘becoming who you are’ is a favourite topic of mine and I have written on it before.
A Quote from me
The most simple and yet the most profound truth: Your mind, more than your circumstances, determines the quality of your life.
Have a good week, folks!